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08/01/14 - Migrant smuggling creeps into casino industry

Photo: AACasino "Training in Taba"


It is with sadness and regret we post this news however we wish to avert any unsuspecting casino services provider to be sucked in by this scam:



4 years ago, whilst we were based in Gibraltar, we were approached by a very trusted 3rd party asking if we would organize training for dealers from Nepal. We were suspicious from the start as the 3rd party informed us of the origin of the request, a known person in the gaming industry and who also was looking for work themselves at that time. Further more this training was only to be Caribbean Stud ( a game easy to train in half a day) and the price to charge each candidate was £5,000 each and duration 2 weeks to a month.  We offered to train the candidates in Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat and CSP for that amount but this offer was declined. They only wanted CSP. The whole thing didn't add up!


However, we had confidence and trust in the 3rd party who we had known very well for years so made arrangements and submitted a quotation as requested. Then...      heard nothing more.


We were a little disgruntled as we had lost time and effort to organize the accommodation, training facilities and equipment but duly realised this was a scam to bring Nepalese into Europe and then they flee, but we let the matter go as we wanted to distance ourselves from this as far as possible.


Then to our amusement, the same 3rd party contacted us a year later with the same proposition and mentioned the instigation of the same well known casino person! We were shocked that our 3rd party was to fall for this again but to suck us in also was disappointing and we obviously declined.


Low and behold, at the same time the following year, the well known casino person decided to contact us directly this time. Yes you guessed it,  with the same proposition. This was better than a Nigerian inheritance email and this was our 3rd year running in being approached.


He asked if we had provided similar services before and we lied no. This was going too well and we were dying to hear it this time from the horses mouth. So, we allowed him to contact us via Skype and listened attentively to his proposal, recording the conversation for our own protection of being instigated. 


He claimed this was the very first time he had been approached for such a request and although he himself had a small degree of doubt he knew his contact in Nepal well and trusted him implicitly. Would we be interested in training 20 Nepalese dealers in Caribbean Stud for £5k each and duration of two weeks?


We were aghast. How could anyone steep so low to profit from migrant smuggling. To organise bringing people into the EU for them to disappear into the system. We really wanted rid of this person and said it sounds to suspicious and want no involvement. He then asked if we could at least compile a quotation for the job. It seemed blatantly obvious that the only thing this person needed was the quotation for the training to request the visas.


So, this time of year has come round again. Be warned, if a well know casino person approaches you with an offer to train foreign workers in an easy role and to receive a fortune for each candidate, all you need to supply is a quotation....  then expect and assume the worst. Ask to see the CV's of each candidate and contact them directly to enquire what their expectations are, where they are working and how much they have paid for this "training".


On another note, AACasino will be in the Swiss Alps this year for the duration of 30 days to  the 13th March.
 Casino Formation Switzerland

We are contracted to train a large group of local Swiss in Roulette, Blackjack, Poker.
Our training methods are unique, accurate and fast, Our success rate is extremely high.


Feel free to watch from the link below our videos of the dealers we previously trained up from scratch in only 14 days:
AACasino You Tube

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