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22/05/23 - Your casino business could be negatively impacted by all kinds of factors
Is this gaming floor layout ...a strong or weak choice?
Here are some AA observations -
- The CCTV will need more cameras to follow and are unable to perform room and face scans due to the pillars.
- The PB only has a view of 2 roulettes if at the pit stand.
- Inspectors can only monitor a maximum of 2 tables which in moments of short-staffed will need to suspend tables or leave unsupervised.
- Players are unable to watch and follow other winning number displays.
- The AR's are toe-to-toe, which encourages players to play 2 tables, and consequently take up two colours which reduces gaming positions and creates issues of foreign chips played on tables.
- In addition, the toe to toe position means if players do play 2 tables the same inspector cannot track the player on both tables.
- It is common in some casinos that AR tables don't have seats originating from French roulette where players played multiple tables with cash chips. In AR its "bums on seats", encouraging the player to commit to one table at a time and one colour to aide tracking and avoid issues.
- The wider chairs on the card tables of 7 boxes means a maximum of 5 people can sit to play perhaps resulting in losing two boxes per table.
In our opinion the pit configured, as so, decreases surveillance and increases opportunistic cheating, increases minimum staffing numbers but reduces player gaming positions while reducing the ambience of the room as players are unable to observe what is going on around the pit.
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