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21/01/24 - How to Improve Communication Between Casino HODs

Simple solutions to get all Casino HODs on the same page


Just finished a similar article with advice that happened to be written by AI so understandably the responses encouraged more electronic apps for HODs to keep in contact with each other.


In human land, this will only distance the HODs as everything written is a visible record so content is written with this in mind. No informal content or questions that may appear silly to one department and a good question to another.


One self-imposed rule we have abided by and encourage casinos to follow suit is that any HOD may only eat in the restaurant if;


  1. They are accompanied by at least one casino player
  2. They are accompanied by another HOD or more.
  3. Ideally with both of the above.


Eating in the casino restaurant should not be considered a right of passage but treated as a reward that also improves upon business operations as business always comes first.


  1. Eating with a player encourages PR, listening to the players high's and lows, and improving the understanding of the players' appeal to their games. Additionally, it is a great way to find out gossip on the gaming floor of other players and information about the employees the HOD was not aware of. It improves the KYC of your player and learn about their source of wealth if they can sustain their level of play and if they have family and friends with similar levels of funds and play.
  2. Eating with other HODs is an excellent time to hear of the trials and tribulations of other departments that occur elsewhere within the company and may or may not impact your department. Also to share stories and targets in an informal setting that encourages inter-departmental awareness. Plus it is that opportune moment to enlighten each other of how an action, or lack of action from one department negatively or positively impacts another.
  3. Finally, having a player(s) sit down with you is a superb moment for non-gaming HODs to learn more about the core of the business, improve their PR and maybe receive feedback on their particular department if they have negatively or positively impacted the player(s).


It's what you call a win-win situation!


Read: Best Practices for Employee Feedback & Reviews


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